Leadership Keynote Speakers

Leadership Keynote Speakers

Strong leadership is absolutely essential to the success of any business or entrepreneurial endeavor. SpeakInc has experienced leadership and team building speakers who can make a lasting impact for your event, the attendees, and their business.


Ivan Joseph

Award-Winning Confidence Coach, Leadership Expert & Best-Selling Author

Travels from ON

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['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff']

Michael Abrashoff

Former Commander, "USS Benfold" and Author, "It's Your Ship"

Travels from FL

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['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison']

Seth Mattison

Leadership, Culture and Future of Work Strategist

Travels from NC

$30,000 - $50,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby']

Rick Rigsby

Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author, President and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications

Travels from TX

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['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris']

Jason Harris

U.S. Air Force Officer, Special Operations Pilot, U.S.A.F. Academy Instructor, Motivational Speaker

Travels from CO

$20,000 - $30,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz']

Carey Lohrenz

CEO, Leadership & Team Building Expert

Travels from MN

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['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher']

Molly Fletcher

CEO, Author, Entrepreneur & Former Top Sports Agent

Travels from GA

$30,000 - $50,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher', 'Matt-Mayberry']

Matt Mayberry

Former NFL Linebacker, Entrepreneur Columnist, Peak Performance Strategist

Travels from IL

$20,000 - $30,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher', 'Matt-Mayberry', 'Jason-Hewlett']

Jason Hewlett

Leadership Expert, Inspirational Humorist, Emcee, Entertainer & Musician

Travels from UT

$20,000 - $30,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher', 'Matt-Mayberry', 'Jason-Hewlett', 'Anthony-Bourke']

Anthony "AB" Bourke

F-16 Fighter Pilot, CEO & Founder of Mach 2 Consulting

Travels from UT

$20,000 - $30,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher', 'Matt-Mayberry', 'Jason-Hewlett', 'Anthony-Bourke', 'Paul-Epstein']

Paul Epstein

Former NFL & NBA Business Executive, Leadership & Culture Expert, BestSelling Author, Keynote Speake

Travels from CA

$20,000 - $30,000

['Ivan-Joseph', 'Michael-Abrashoff', 'Seth-Mattison', 'Rick-Rigsby', 'Jason-Harris', 'Carey-Lohrenz', 'Molly-Fletcher', 'Matt-Mayberry', 'Jason-Hewlett', 'Anthony-Bourke', 'Paul-Epstein', 'Ron-Tite']

Ron Tite

Purpose-Driven Leadership and Marketing Expert

Travels from ON

$20,000 - $30,000

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